Cailey Auvil
Mortgage Loan Originator
NMLS#: 2102104
About Cailey Auvil
Cailey was a former dental hygienist from 2009 until she had her son in January 2017. Cailey decided to stay home with her boys and focus on the family as well as help her husband with his growing real estate business. There, Cailey learned a lot about the business from a real estate professional standpoint. When her youngest child started going to school, Cailey decided she wanted to venture into the mortgage side of things. Cailey studied and obtained her license in February 2021, where she started with Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group immediately after.
Married to Jimmy Auvil Jr for 15 years in August. Cailey lived and grew up in Smithfield with 2 boys, Landon who will be 10 on April 12th, and Beckham who turned 5 in January. Cailey and Jimmy also have 2 dogs, Sport, and Judge. Their boys are extremely into sports, especially baseball and football. Jimmy stays busy coaching and Cailey as well, being the team mom. They love to travel and spend time as a family anywhere tropical. Cailey also enjoys working out and considers it her happy hour.
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Cash Offer and Buy Now, Sell Later. With our Cash Offer program, even the odds and get your offers accepted, all with the power of cash. With Buy Now, Sell Later, current homeowners can comfortably sell their old home all while securing a new one.
Access Home Equity
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As you start to make payments on your mortgage, you gain equity in your home. Take advantage of the equity you have built up over time and receive cash for large expenses, consolidating your debts, or home repairs and updates.
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A temporary mortgage interest rate buydown is a home financing strategy that home buyers can use to temporarily lower their interest rate to make their monthly mortgage payments more affordable.